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A key performance indicator (KPI) is a specific metric that organizations use to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations in relation to established strategic objectives. These indicators offer a high-level view of performance in areas crucial to the organization’s success, allowing for systematic and regular monitoring, whether daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually.

Emerging areas such as digital marketing and smart cities also rely on KPIs to ensure they are progressing towards their strategic objectives.

Digital marketing, with its dynamic and data-driven nature, uses KPIs to evaluate the effectiveness of online campaigns, user engagement on social platforms, and the effectiveness of content strategies. These indicators help companies understand how consumers are interacting with their brands in the digital world, allowing them to optimize their strategies and ensure a higher return on their digital marketing investment.

On the other hand, smart cities, which are urbanizations designed to be more efficient, sustainable and livable through technology, also make extensive use of KPIs. These indicators can address topics such as energy efficiency, waste management, mobility and transportation, or air quality. Thanks to these KPIs, smart city managers can constantly evaluate and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants and the sustainability of the city.