Lambda City

Key Performance Indicators for efficient and sustainable management

KPI para Ciudades Inteligentes

The implemented strategy, based on key performance indicators, improved urban mobility and our sustainability policies.

Innovation Director

The Challenge

The main challenge lies in the need for a sound strategy for selecting and using key indicators to guide efficient decision making and sustainable urban development.

The lack of a clear methodology for the choice and analysis of these indicators prevents the optimization of resources and the improvement of services.

The Solution

This strategy will be based on:

  1. Identification of Critical Areas: Define priority areas such as urban mobility, air quality, waste management, and citizen well-being.
  2. Indicator Selection: Establish specific KPIs for each area, selected for their relevance, reliability and ability to provide actionable insights.
  3. Multi-Source Data Integration: Use data from IoT, municipal information systems and open sources for a holistic view.
  4. Analysis and Visualization: Develop analytical tools to interpret collected data and visualize it in a way that facilitates understanding and ongoing monitoring.


  • Develop an Indicators Committee: Create a multidisciplinary team for the selection and periodic review of KPIs.
  • Training Workshops: Train stakeholders in data interpretation and use of analytical tools.
  • Pilot Testing: Implement pilot projects in selected areas to fine-tune and validate KPIs prior to full-scale deployment.

The Impact

By focusing on strategic planning and meticulous selection of indicators:

  • Improved Urban Mobility: optimization of public transport based on congestion analysis and travel patterns.
  • Sustainability Policies: More precise interventions in waste management and energy consumption.
  • Citizen Response: Adjustments in services based on feedback and well-being reported by citizens.